Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a partner of TrustOk?
TrustOk works with many partners. These are recognized companies in the field of online sales that already know our system and its advantages very well. To enter into cooperation, please contact us!
Can I edit and delete customer reviews myself?
The company does not have the option to edit or delete reviews, but it can respond to them. In this way, you will effectively resolve potential customer complaints and dissatisfaction and increase trust in the company. For this reason, negative opinions are also displayed. If the opinion does not meet our guidelines or contains personal information, we reserve the right to delete this opinion.
How can I make sure the reviews are genuine?
For TrustOk, the reliability and authenticity of the opinions written by users about the purchased product or the service provided is in the first place. Our system actively invites users to submit their opinion. In order to verify and ensure the reliability of the reviews, we designed the system so that the reviews come from real customers. If you use our review system and suspect that a certain review is not true, you can report it. Our opinion experts will then take a closer look at the opinion.
Which trade organizations work with TrustOk?
TrustOk works with major retailers across Europe. Together with a wide network of partners, we offer you excellent support and solutions for individual sectors. The satisfaction of our customers is also proven by the fact that we and our partners have collected over 8,836,615 online reviews and ratings.
Is the opinion rating I see correct?
The rating you see is the average rating of your users over the last 12 months.
Does every user receive the same review request email?
At TrustOK, we strive to improve the user experience. This way, our customers can customize the feedback forms and send their customers the ones they think will be the most effective. You can change the entire form in our platform and adapt it to your wishes.
Are reviews visible on Google?
Yes, with our system your customer reviews will be visible on Google. Customer reviews in the form of yellow stars that appear next to your business information in Google Ads can also be seen in organic search results.
How can I ensure that more users post a review?
Our user opinion experts will be happy to help you. Together we will develop an approach that will provide you with more reliable and authentic customer reviews. You can also motivate them to submit opinions by informing them that they will receive a reward for submitting opinions. In the vast majority of cases, however, it is only necessary to ask for them.