Show ratings in the right place at the right time!


The TrustOK mark ensures that your online store complies with applicable laws and acts as a Verified Store certificate, providing customers with a secure shopping experience. All your collected opinions and ratings will be displayed on the label, through which customers can verify the authenticity of your store.

TrustOK tags are an indispensable tool for any online store that wants to leverage customer reviews for business growth and customer satisfaction.

How does it work?

  • 1. Browse through the TrustOK tags and choose the one that best suits the style of your website.
  • 2. Click the button to generate the tag code.
  • 3. Implement the tag on your website.


TrustOK user reviews

Your customer reviews answer the questions of customers who are looking for a specific product, service or merchant to make a purchase and assure them that your store is reliable.

Reviews can only be submitted by customers who have made a purchase in your online store. By clicking on The TrustOK tag will be able to access the page where all your collected opinions will be displayed.

Use of the TrustOK label is available only to certified partners of TrustOK.

Turn ratings and reviews into revenue by displaying them on your website, giving consumers everything they need to reach the order confirmation page!